

Apply now for the
EDSA meeting.

By filling the form found down below on the page, you are officially sending your application for the 73rd EDSA Meeting happening in Bucharest in the Spring of 2024

Participant Package (€385)

» 5 nights (14-20 of April 2024), Continental Forum Bucharest Hotel

» 3 meals per day

» General meeting acces

» Lectures

» Workshops

» Trainings

» Social program

» The Gala Night

» Therme acces

Once the registration closes, a process of selection will follow. This means that your registration will act as your request to join – not a confirmation of your entry. If your spot is confirmed, you will receive an email right after the registration deadline. This email will contain all the further information you will need, such as payment details etc.

Application Form

Commonly Encountered Errors

During the registration process for the 73rd EDSA Meeting you might encounter one of the following errors in the Application Form. If this happens, make sure to read the following situations to be able to quickly resolve all encountered errors. If you still have problems with submitting your form, please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail at, or directly message us on our Instagram page.

Empty Field

All required fields are marked with a red star (*). If one of the field in the Application Form was left empty, the website won't be able to process the submission. Please make sure to fill all fields in the form to be able to successfully register to the 73rd EDSA Meeting.

Entry Marked as Spam

While creating the website, we made sure to follow all web safety measure to allow for participants to safely enter their personal data and avoid any data leaks. In order for us to prevent any website spam entries, following common web protocols, we created a system that prevents users from sending multiple entries from the same IP Address. If you encounter this error, try submitting your entry in one of these two ways:

» Enter Incognito Mode in your browser and resubmit the application

» Refresh the page after waiting for 10 to 15 minutes and resubmit the application

The registration form for the 1st Round of Registration has been opened automatically on the 23rd of October, 2023, at 09:00 PM GMT +3 (Bucharest's Summer Time) and has been closed on the 5th of November, 2023, at 09:00 PM GMT +2 (Bucharest's Winter Time). Thank you all for your submissions. Our team will carefully analyse your applications and you'll receive your reply via e-mail very soon. Until then, feel free to browse our website and discover what awaits you during your trip in the heart of Romania. #aglimpseoftradition

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