


Bucharest's Dental Student Association

Bucharest Dental Students Association (BDSA) is an independent, non-political and non-governmental, local students association that represents the dental students from Bucharest. BDSA is a co-founder of FSMDR, the National Federation of Dental Students, part of the National Union of Students from Romania (USR), but also an EDSA and IADS member.

Having a total of more than 300 members, BDSA deals with various fields of activity.

LSMDB Activities

Discover what we're known for.

Dent-X Congress

Coordinating one of the biggest Dentistry congresses in Romania.

Representing Peers

Establishing a good communication between the students and the leadership of our faculty.

Multiple Activites

We annualy organise humanity campaigns, prophylaxy activities and numerous workshops.

Key Events

We're responsible for the mock-up tests for admission and residency exams in our field.

BDSA offers a complex experience and guides every student’s steps throughout the 6 years of university. “Baby Steps” is a introducing project for the freshers to the new student life, helping them make a memorable first impression out of it. Further projects offer the access to scientific activities, lectures and workshops: the DENT-X Congress is held every year, gathering great names of the dentistry field and represent a chance for the students to attend hands-on activities and gain practical experience. 

From time to time, it is the same team that gets wild and organises parties to celebrate different occasions. As a romanian dental student, you have the chance to spend a week in another city and discover their dental faculty through Interdentis, an exchanging programme that is organised twice a year with other universities from around the country. BDSA is also involved in helping the poor by coordinating donation campaigns for Christmas or Easter and in teaching children basic hygienic rules as part of the project called Prophylaxy in Schools.

Come join us

A word from the team
behind this great meeting.

A Word from the LOC

Here are the 7 wonders of the Romanian world in 2024: sunny days, warm hearts, bright minds, colourful imagination, vibrant night life, delicious food and the 73rd EDSA Meeting!

Măriuca Rizea

LOC President

A Word from EDSA

Welcome to Bucharest, the city of joy, where the elegant architecture, sophisticated atmosphere, and the EDSA spirit come together to create a week we'll cherish forever!

Deniz Naz Bilgiç

President of EDSA

A Word from Bucharest

Welcome to Bucharest, where dental excellence meets European unity. Let's learn, share, and inspire one another on this journey of dental discovery. Enjoy your time in our beautiful city, and may this congress be a memorable chapter in your dental education.

Ștefania Penaru

President of LSMDB

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