
Our Venue

Most majestic
arhitectural gem.

The Palace of the Parliament, one of the most majestic landmarks of Romania’s Capital, and the second largest administrative building in the world will be home for the 73rd EDSA Meeting.

discover its story

Some Infos About It

The Palace of the Parliament (Romanian: Palatul Parlamentului), also known as the Republic’s House (Casa Republicii) or People’s House/People’s Palace (Casa Poporului), is the seat of the Parliament of Romania, located on top of Dealul Spirii in Bucharest, the national capital. It is one of the heaviest buildings in the world and the second largest administrative building in the world.

Due to its impressive characteristics, events organized by state institutions and international bodies such as conferences and symposia take place there, but despite this about 70% of the building remains empty.

Known for its ornate interior composed of 23 sections, the palace houses the two chambers of the Parliament of Romania: the Senate (Senat) and the Chamber of Deputies (Camera Deputaților), along with three museums and an international conference center. The museums in the Palace are the National Museum of Contemporary Art, the Museum of Communist Totalitarianism (established in 2015) and the Museum of the Palace. 

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